Gentry, AR Basketball Coaching

Gentry, AR Private Basketball Coaching

How to Contact a Personal Basketball Coach in Gentry AR

How to Contact a Personal Basketball Coach in Gentry AR

Once you decide which Athletes Untapped private basketball coach in Gentry is right for you, send them a message through our platform and ask when/where you can begin training. At Athletes Untapped, a lot of our private basketball coaches have availability on weeknights or weekends since some work other jobs, but each coach’s schedule is different. Once you choose the right private basketball in Gentry, meet them in-person and start working towards your goals!

Example of a Private Basketball Workout in Gentry

Wondering what to expect when you show up to a private basketball workout in Gentry? Athletes Untapped knows the answer because we are the private coaching pros. While your specific workout plan will vary depending on your personal basketball trainer, most trainers mix shooting, handles, off-ball moves, footwork, agility, and sometimes strength training (if you’re not too tired by the end of the workout). At first, some of the drills might seem impossibly hard or the movements might feel awkward – and that’s great! Private basketball workouts aren’t supposed to be easy. If Steph Curry and Kyrie Irving did simple workout routines, do you think they’d be where they are today? Nope!

Example of a Private Basketball Workout in Gentry
Start Training with a Private Basketball Coach in Gentry, AR!

Start Training with a Private Basketball Coach in Gentry, AR!

If you’re ready to start training with a private basketball coach in Gentry, AR, look no further than Athletes Untapped. Our website and mobile app were designed with to make it as simple as possible for parents to find a local, vetted private basketball coach. If you look at the profile of any Athletes Untapped coach, you will see their cost, playing experience, coaching experience, and some fun facts to help you get a sense of who they are as a trainer. Once you find the right coach, send them a message and ask a few of the questions we mentioned above – where to train, when train, etc. If you and the coach decide it’s a good fit after messaging each other, then book your first few basketball training sessions through our platform. We recommend parents book at least 5 training sessions upfront to be able to schedule out time on their coach’s calendar. Once the basketball sessions on are your calendar, tell your son or daughter that it’s time to work hard! You will meet your private coach in-person at the agreed upon location and time. From there, continue to book your basketball lessons through the Athletes Untapped platform to guarantee payment protection & privacy. If you have any questions about your upcoming private basketball lesson, or if you need help finding the best basketball coach for you in (insert location), get in touch with our team!

Basketball Training Videos in Gentry

Basketball Training Videos in Gentry

To find basketball training videos in Gentry, ask your private coach. They should be able to give you “homework” to do while you’re at home – and this may include watching videos of yourself training (for analytical purposes), or videos of their favorite players in action. At Athletes Untapped, we designed a custom-made video sharing platform for coaches and athletes to use. We understand the power of video feedback and how it can really change a young athlete’s game.

Basketball Training Drills in Gentry, AR?

Basketball Training Drills in Gentry, AR?

The types of drills you’ll do during a private basketball lesson in Gentry, AR depends on the coach. Some coaches feature guard drills – like two ball dribbling, sprint dribbling, cone dribbling, etc. Others may focus on shooting – like form shooting, three point shooting, pull up shots, etc. At Athletes Untapped, we encourage parents to ask what types of drills their coach will run before deciding if they are the right fit.

What Equipment & Aids do I need for Basketball Training in Gentry?

In Gentry, and most areas across the country, you don’t need much equipment for basketball training. Your private basketball coach should bring the equipment you need – basketballs, cones (optional), ladders (optional), etc. Don’t worry about having the best or newest equipment. Some of the world’s best players, like Buddy Hield for example, used a milk carton for a basketball hoop when they were young. Just lace up your sneakers, get out there on the court, and start training hard with your private basketball coach – and the results will show!

What Equipment & Aids do I need for Basketball Training in Gentry?